A year of Excellence
2023: A Year of Excellence for EMOS Research Group
We are immensely pleased to summarize the year 2023. It was a turbulent yet highly efficient year for the EMOS research group. We published a dozen research papers, advised and co-advised numerous undergraduate and graduate students, participated in several conferences, and introduced many young students to their first steps in science. We successfully fulfilled the aims of our research projects, renewed our laboratory, developed software tools, received extensive citations, and were rewarded for these citations. Additionally, our member was inducted into the Stanford list of the top 2% of the most cited researchers and we all successfully carried out all of our educational activities.
We are especially proud of the accomplishments of our youngest members. Andrijana Bilić remarkably represented the EMOS research group at numerous conferences and captured amazing photographs. Her collection of photos in front of our posters has been so extensive that the EMOS website articles are now filled with her images 🙂
Milinko has been another hard worker in the EMOS research group. His dedication is well documented through his participation in numerous activities. He worked tirelessly, paving the way for his future research, which will lead to his Ph.D. defense.
Our youngest member, Dušica Krunić, successfully enrolled in Ph.D. studies in physics and passed her first exam in December with the highest grade. This is indeed great work, and her next steps involve systematic training in computational modeling of materials.
Nevertheless, the most significant event for the EMOS research group occurred at the very end of the year – our member Maria Savanović successfully defended her Ph.D. This achievement was the proverbial cherry on top of the EMOS cake 🙂 It’s challenging to find the right words to express how committed Maria has been to the objectives of our research group. Her exceptional dedication, dynamic approach, and creativity have brought us several steps closer to achieving our goals. Moreover, her artistic flair in decorating our office for the holidays deserves special mention (though be warned: some of the flashing effects on the wall might lead to serious eye damage 🙂 🙂 🙂 )